How to make the most sustainable swimming pool for this summer

Sustainability and swimming pools: an inseparable combination.



Creating and living in a more sustainable space is a must that extends to all areas, and of course, this also includes swimming pools.


Conventional pools are becoming an environmental issue, since they consume a considerable amount of resources and do not allow the reuse of water, for example.


What makes a swimming pool more sustainable?


Sustainable pools differ from conventional ones in many aspects, always putting our ecosystem first by saving resources. Read more and discover some of those characteristics that differentiate them:


01. Facilitate the recycling of pool water

Our current and traditional system of draining and refilling pools every time water needs to be changed is a wasteful and can lead to contamination of the environment. However, a water recycling system can be installed, filtering and treating the water for its reuse. This process not only saves resources, but also reduces the amount of chemicals needed to keep our pools clean.

02. Efficent filtration systems

Choosing a filtration system that reduces energy and water use improves its efficiency and promotes a sustainable solution for pools.

One option is to go for filtration systems with variable speed pumps, which adjust the speed of the water depending on the cleaning needs. Energy efficient filters are another possibility you can choose from. 

03. Sustainable energy sources, such as solar panels

Using a clean energy source for the water circulation pump, lighting, pool cleaner, or to even heat it during the cold months, is undoubtedly a more sustainable option against using other electric or gas energy sources.

04. Less toxic chemicals to clean the pool water

Many chemicals used to keep pool water clean are toxic and can be the cause of environmental contamination. Saline chlorination seems to be a more ecological alternative, since it prevents the evaporation of polluting gases, and does not produce waste. In addition, it keeps the water clean for a longer period of time, requiring less energy consumption.

05. Reduction of pool water evaporation

The evaporation of pool water is one of the main factors that increases water consumption. Pool covers reduce this problem and also protect them from dirt, while favoring thermal maintenance.

06. Sustainable materials

We can also promote sustainability by carefully choosing the materials used to build the pool and its surroundings, such as pavements or outdoor furniture. Going for recyclable, durable and respectful surfaces will undoubtedly make our pools more sustainable.



Advantages of choosing Neolith for building a sustainable pool

Sustainability is part of our brand DNA, and our sintered stone surfaces provide many advantages when it comes to constructing a more sustainable pool.




Neolith uses recycled materials in its production, which reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and the need to extract more natural resources. Some models such as Neolith Sofía Cuprum or Neolith Metropolitan are made with up to 98% recycled raw materials.


It is a highly resistant and durable architectural surface. It offers a longer useful life than other materials, thus reducing the amount of resources required for repair, replacement or care.


It is easy to clean. Neolith surfaces are incredibly hygienic thanks to their low porosity. In addition, its large format minimizes the need of joints, and therefore, the dirt that can get accumulated within.

Neolith is also committed to saving energy and emissions in its production process. The production process for Neolith surfaces is also sustainable, since 100% of the electrical energy used comes from renewable sources.


It offers exclusive and avant-garde designs. The wide variety of Neolith collections makes it possible to bring design and sophistication to terraces and pools. Its large format and the different model proposals facilitate unique spaces to be lived in. The New Classtone collection evokes elegance and connection with noble materials, while the Fusion collection is features more disruptive models.





The benefits of having a sustainable pool

Going for a sustainable pool instead of a conventional one brings many benefits not only for our home, but also for the environment that we so desperately dependant on.

01. Sustainable swimming pools try to reduce water consumption compared to conventional ones

he environmental challenges of our era require a responsible consumption of water, so it is essential that we are aware of how to save it during the maintenance of our pools, opting for saline chlorination, or pool covers to prevent its evaporation.

02. Sustainable pools save energy

Choosing systems for pumping and filtration, which consume less energy, means economic savings on the long run while relieving the environment.

03. They improve the quality of the pool water

Thanks to a more efficient filtration systems and a reduction in the usage of chemicals, the water quality in sustainable pools can be better than in traditional pools.

04. They offer greater durability

Sustainable pools are designed to be durable, making them more resistant to corrosion, wear and tear, or dirt, compared to traditional pools.

Do you want to join a more sustainable lifestyle?


You can enjoy the summer and your pool by opting for the most sustainable options. Caring for ecological resources is essential to maintain the present and the future of our natural environment that we love so much.

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