Sustainable housing: a future that is already here



We are increasingly aware of the impact our actions have on the environment. That is why we are constantly trying to find ways to reduce the footprint we leave in our planet as much as possible while we try to live fulfilling lives. When it comes to our homes, sustainable housing is gradually becoming a reality.



Sustainable architecture


If we talk about sustainable housing, we need to refer to sustainable architecture and how it has become more popular in recent years. It is an edification model related to sustainable development and seeks to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. 

Within sustainable architecture, it is worth highlighting houses that are integrated into nature, blending in with their surroundings. In these, sustainable and non-polluting materials such as Neolith are used, which offer better energy efficiency and optimum thermal and acoustic insulation. 



Smart homes, sustainable living solutions


When we talk about home automation, we refer to IT innovations which can be applied to the home. This technology is already present in some houses, and it will be an essential part of any home in the future.  

Some of the applications of home automation may go unnoticed, but they have great benefits. One example is automated blinds, which can be opened and closed with a switch, or programmed to keep your house warm in winter and cool in summer. The same goes for smart devices such as air conditioning and ventilation, which allow us to adjust energy consumption and be more sustainable. Or with smart irrigation systems, which detect the humidity of the soil and are turned on automatically, if necessary.



Homes that coexist with the environment

In addition to architecture, there are also other factors to bear in mind when it comes to sustainable housing. One of these is the location of your home, as this will directly affect energy consumption. Therefore, you should always try to make the most of the natural conditions of the area, such as light, which allows you to light up the rooms, heat the house during the day, and consequently reduce the energy demand.  

Another point to achieve a sustainable house is the use of renewable energy sources such as solar panels or efficient heating systems, as well as including recycling systems with which to manage water, for example.




As you can see, sustainable housing is already becoming a reality, and there are plenty of steps you can take to do your bit for the environment and make your home a more sustainable place.


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