Biohomes: for a more sustainable home




Inspiration and a clear sustainability goal close the circle on these homes where worshipping and caring for nature are quintessential for a more responsible building method.


What are biohomes?


Biohomes have come to stay with the firm aim of lessening the environmental impact and encouraging a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

These types of homes advocate the use of sustainable materials that are easy to recycle and generate less pollution in the production phases. They also focus on efficiency to reduce the impact and lower emissions.


Characteristics of biohomes


Biohomes are committed to the future as if they had their own conscience and were able to think about how to minimise pollution in all phases from construction to the type of life they offer the people who inhabit them.


01. Biohomes are made of biodegradable materials.


Wood, clay, cork or natural stone are elements that can be found in these types of buildings. Sintered stone is made with biodegradable raw materials and even recycled in a large proportion meaning it is an excellent choice for building biohomes.




02. Biohomes prioritise energy efficiency.

Maximum energy efficiency is sought with the design of these types of homes to reduce the consumption of energy. The use of solar panels and thermal insulation materials are common in these kinds of homes.

03. Biohomes use local resources.

To reduce the carbon footprint, local resources are used to prevent long-distance transportation. Thus, biohomes harness all the materials nearby as well as local energy sources.

04. They feature recycling and waste management systems.


Promoting recycling is one of the missions with this kind of home meaning composting systems are added to convert food remains and leaves into garden fertiliser.



05. More organic compositions integrated into the surrounding space.

French architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965) transformed our cities towards more quadrangular, homogenous and rectilinear design. These ideas were deemed ground-breaking at the time, yet there were detractors who believed this type of design would move people away from nature and the organic shapes that offer wellbeing.

With biohomes, however, the idea is to integrate them in the surrounding area. The colours and materials create visual continuity and thus avoid sharp contrasts.






Neolith and biohomes

At Neolith, we want to be part of the solution and we aim our actions and efforts at lowering emissions and the environmental impact. We are driven by a firm objective to eliminate waste, use recycled materials as raw materials and design a production process that does not create any negative impacts as far as carbon emissions.

Neolith sintered stone collections are made with fully natural raw materials. On top of that, our products can be recycled, offering a second life to the materials in order to extend their cycle of use.


With sintered stone, we create architectural surfaces for various uses such as ventilated façades, fireplaces, cladding and shower trays.

Even in kitchens you can use our materials and dress up your space with sustainable products. A countertop from the Iconic Design collection will add a natural and elegant touch to your atmosphere so you may enjoy your home even more with our most environmentally-friendly proposal.


How do you imagine the future?


The cities of the future require awareness and responsibility. Every single one of our small decisions will determine their destiny.

Recycle, reduce and reuse is no longer an option but rather the path towards conserving our beloved nature. Are you ready for a sustainable home? Find inspiration in the projects featured in our trends book Inspiring Living For Tomorrow Lifestyle Trends 2024 by Neolith and learn how you can improve your relationship with the environment, as well as how to plan your home.

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