TOP 4 Ideas for Decorating Large Terraces



Having a large terrace is a dream for many, and a privilege for just a few. We all love and enjoy being outdoors spending an evening chatting with friends, reading our favourite book alongside a cup of coffee in the morning or having those lunches that turn into dinners. 


With a large terrace comes a myriad of possibilities; however, having a lot of space can sometimes seem overwhelming. That’s why we’ve prepared for you these 4 ideas for decorating large terraces that will help you if you have a large outdoor space and you’re not sure where to start. 


Large terrace design


Large terraces offer an endless number of decoration possibilities, and when it comes to designing atmospheres, you can be a lot more creative. Make the most of it! 

One great idea is separating the space into two different zones – a dining area and a relaxation area. These two spaces can lead to others such as an area with deck chairs, a play corner for children and even a place to work out. 

But, how can you delimit all that space? It’s very simple! Flooring is the optimal way to differentiate areas of a terrace. For the dining area, you could opt for a stone floor such as the New York-New York model by Neolith while picking something different for the relaxation or chillout area such as imitation wood like in the Summer Dala model by Neolith. 




Colourful large terraces


A large terrace does not have to be dull. White certainly remains the base colour par excellence, but why not venture into filling your terrace with colours?

We recommend to choose colours like blue, pink, earthly tones and green on your terrace. Combining them will result in a fresh, laidback look for the coolest terrace in the neighbourhood. 

You can add these colours in different ways. One good idea is with accessories like jugs, cushions and rugs – you’ll get touches of colour without overloading the space. You can also use prints to give your terrace some personality while still being elegant. 

The more daring can fill their terrace with colour by choosing bright tones or prints for their furniture, whether that may mean a mint green sofa or some blue chairs. This will make your terrace much more unique and allow it to radiate joy and vibrancy. It’s just a matter of daring!




Don’t overlook the plants


We often forget them, but plants offer plenty of possibilities when decorating a terrace as they can be used to maintain privacy and even delimit different atmospheres. 

You have to look for the plants that best adapt to your climate and terrace orientation, and then mix and match them according to height, volume and so on. Let your imagination soar! You’ll quickly notice the transformation on your terrace and how they provide a bit of fresh air without leaving any functionality behind. 


Light up the different zones depending on the intended activity


Your outdoor terrace must be well-lit at nightfall and each space should be lighted in a different way. 

For the dining area, we recommend using hanging lamps over the table to enjoy late dinners on summer nights, and then using lanterns to light up the path to the inside of the house. 

Give relaxation areas a more soothing feel with fairy lights or small lamps and candles. This will create a cosy setting for endless conversations throughout those summer nights. 




With all these ideas for large terraces, you’ll create the most remarkable terrace reflecting all sorts of possibilities. So, have you already decided on how to design the trendiest terrace? 

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