Fabián León's 5 tips for organising time in the kitchen

“Organising time in the kitchen is one of the greatest liberations I have ever experienced.” 


Fabián León reflects on his relationship with order and cooking, and his thoughts can make our everyday life much easier, and even healthier.

Sometimes we get carried away by the dynamics of the week and improvise when we open the fridge. We feel very creative because we are able to cook with what we find there, practising spontaneity. 

However, planning could offer us more freedom because it leaves room for ideas to emerge, optimises our time, and improves our experience in the kitchen. If you want to enjoy your culinary skills, apply these simple tips and enhance your relationship with this daily task.



01. Create a weekly menu list


If we want to create a weekly menu that we look forward to both preparing and eating, we should take in consideration our eating habits and food preferences.

We can make a note on the fridge, jot it down in our diary or in our mobile phone. The simple fact of writing it down and thinking about it will help us to carry out this task. 


02. Organised shopping based on the menu


The motivation of a defined menu helps us to shop more productively and healthily. Without planning, we often fill our shopping baskets with unhealthy products because we are seduced by them at first glance. However, shopping according to a set menu allows us to save money and eat a more balanced diet.




03. Choose a day to cook the ingredients that will be combined in different dishes


Choose a morning or an afternoon during the week to prepare the food that will later be combined with other ingredients. For example, roast vegetables in the oven, boil eggs, or make cold creams. With these ingredients already cooked, it will be easier to manage the daily meals, as less time will be needed at any given moment. 

Fabián León recommends his buckwheat cracker recipe because it is easy to prepare and because it is a very versatile dish that can be eaten with both sweet and savoury foods. At breakfast it provides a lot of nutrients, and it combines perfectly with food during the main meals. In addition, buckwheat is anti-inflammatory because it does not contain gluten and it is low in carbohydrates. 


You can check the recipe on this link and join this healthy eating trend.

































04. Keeping the kitchen clean and tidy at all times


Tidiness means time optimisation. Having a clean kitchen worktop is a pleasure that will help us on keeping motivated during our culinary journey.

"I always try to have my space tidy and clean, in my case it is easy, when we reformed the den, we opted for a Neolith mega island that practically cleans itself because it is so hygienic"


Says Fabián León, who has a Pietra di Osso worktop by Neolith, which he uses a lot. 


05. Save an Instagram folder with cooking recipes


Instagram is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and so it is for the kitchen. Following specialised channels will provide us with a multitude of references and recipes that we can use in our daily lives. This way we diversify the menu and avoid monotony, which is always more appetising.




Enjoying time in the kitchen is easier with a little planning. Preparing recipes in advance will help us to optimise time and improve the quality of our food. And remember, if you want a very hygienic and easy to clean worktop, get to know the Neolith collections that will not only surprise you with their high functionality, but also with the beauty of their designs.

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