What will the cities of the future be like?

When it comes to Urbanisation, interior design will be marked by all things modular, as mentioned in the trends book Inspiring Living For Tomorrow Lifestyle Trends 2024 by Neolith. And the response lies in creating microliving spaces giving users autonomy in their design. Moreover, a concern for the environment will also be key in how we build new cities.




More and more compact cities


According to the Neolith trends report, the world’s population is expected to surpass 9.8 billion inhabitants by 2050, 70% of whom (6.7 billion) will be living in urban areas. This will mean a significant increase in the density of our cities. This density will influence the way in which new cities are planned as the space available will become more and more valuable and the trend will be to create more and more self-sufficient cities. One interesting and rather incredible example demonstrating this need quite well is The Line, the desert city being built in Saudi Arabia. Using linear architecture measuring 170 kilometers long yet barely 200 meters in width, it represents this compacting idea in the middle of the desert. Built with mirrored walls, the main premise is that there are no streets or cars and thus it’s free of vehicles and carbon emissions which reflects the need for urban space and clean energies as required of the cities of the future and their residents.

Microliving spaces


This density also influences how homes shall be designed in the new cities of the future. One solution is microliving, a flexible and ingenuous concept that gets the most out of every meter by integrating spaces and shared services such as laundry rooms and gardens to facilitate human interaction.

Interior design in these spaces will be marked by modularity with multi-purpose structures, turning design into something fun, customizable and autonomous.



Greentecture, green architecture


Greentecture, or green architecture, seeks to achieve more respectful buildings and, eventually, more habitable cities. The fact is cities nowadays consume 75% of the planet’s natural resources and are responsible for 70% of the world’s CO2 emissions. Faced with these issues, Greentecture—a concept that is very well explained in Inspiring Living For Tomorrow—creates more habitable and sustainable cities where architects and residents must be a part of the solution since any type of human activity has an impact on the environment and construction is hardly a low-impact activity.




Measures must be taken in view of the scarce resources and our impact on the environment must be avoided as much as possible so that we may move from being a part of the problem to a part of the solution.


If you’re interested in finding out more about what our cities of the future will be like, click here.

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